Digital agency : custom website creation

Creation and redesign
of websites
E-commerce website
The integration of international referencing is necessary in this type of site.
Corporate website
The traffic of the site must be put forward when creating a corporate site.
Corporate blog
To establish the brand image of a company, create a specific blog.

Content marketing
Web content writing and content marketing
Content marketing plays an important role in the development of an online business.
To have a quality content, it is essential to emphasize the natural and paid referencing. The professional will use powerful tools to improve your positioning compared to your competitors. You will have a unique and quality content to attract customers.
You can refer to the magazinessource.com website to get an idea of the quality of a web content. The content strategy must be managed by a reputable professional. The action plans must be written in detail.
Social media marketing
Social networks and e-reputation

LinkedIn, the professional platform
This platform will allow you to prospect new clients.

Rely on Instagram stories
To capture the attention of your customers, post stories regularly.

Think about standing out with Twitter
Choose Twitter to share your various promotional links.
Website creation
Choose a CMS to create
a website

WordPress, the industry leader
WordPress is very easy to install. You will not need any special knowledge.

Joomla, the competitor of WordPress
Joomla offers a multilingual service. You will be free in the creation of your contents.

Shopify, the new e-commerce leader
To start your e-commerce, it is advisable to turn to tools such as Shopify.

Web referencing
Tips to ensure indexing on Google
There are several steps to follow during your indexing on Google. You can use different tools to correct errors in indexing. Plan to update all your old content to get optimal results, like the case of imedicale.fr.
Indexing on Google includes the presence of quality backlinks. It plays a role in the SEO of your web content. Sending your sitemap to the search engine is to be taken into account.
SEO referencing
3 steps to follow for your
Google referencing

Netlinking strategy
Netlinking strategy is one of the most popular web technologies. It is part of SEO.

Interactive Content
The interactive content aims to attract the audience to a consumption action and final purchase.

User experience
UX design focuses on the overall user experience. Web interfaces have impacts on your site.
Digital marketing
Create an effective marketing action plan
Every business needs to develop a marketing strategy to get favorable returns from customers. The strategies used and applied may change depending on the products and different services on sale
Think First Mobile
First Mobile emphasizes the use of mobile applications. Access to information can be done everywhere.
Rely on social media
The social media will allow you to increase the traffic of your website. You improve your online presence.